CtrlPrint: Your Corporate Reporting PlatformArticle bankCtrlPrint provided its expertise for Alisa Bank's ESEF report
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CtrlPrint provided its expertise for Alisa Bank's ESEF report

Alisa Bank chose CtrlPrint as a supplier to help them with their ESEF report, from tagging to review and validation. CtrlPrint also provided consultative support to Alisa Bank, in preparing the report with a user-friendly touch.

ESEFCase Success story

CtrlPrint and Alisa Bank collaborate for ESEF excellence

The European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) is the electronic reporting format in which issuers on EU regulated markets must prepare their annual financial reports. The objective is to facilitate accessibility, analysis and comparability of annual reports between listed companies in Europe. As Alisa Bank is listed on the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki, publishing an annual report in ESEF format is a mandatory process for the bank.

The challenge

Alisa Bank wanted to ensure that its annual report would not only meet all ESEF reporting requirements, but also maintain its high-level presentation style and be easily accessible to investors and other stakeholders in a digital format. The bank demanded a partner who could provide both a technical solution and expertise in ESEF reporting best practices.

The solution

Alisa Bank chose CtrlPrint as its partner to overcome the challenge. CtrlPrint is known for its ability to provide comprehensive solutions for producing annual reports and other financial documents, including expertise in ESEF reporting. In the collaboration, CtrlPrint acted as the supplier of the ESEF reporting system that enabled the bank’s annual report to be efficiently converted into an ESEF-compatible format. With the integrated CtrlPrint XBRL tagger, it is possible to tag, review, and validate the report within the security of the platform. Furthermore, CtrlPrint consulted Alisa Bank in the preparation of the annual report from the perspective of ESEF reporting.

“Thanks to CtrlPrint's solution and expertise, we managed to publish our annual report in ESEF format without any problems while the report met all regulatory requirements. The collaboration with CtrlPrint was smooth and easy”, says Kukka Lehtimäki, CFO of Alisa Bank.

“It is important for companies to control and understand their own ESEF report, after all, the XHTML report is the official format for financial statements. Alisa Bank learned to tag their own report easily, which also gave them a deep understanding of what their report contains while working. We look forward to continued collaboration with Alisa Bank”, says Sanna Laakso, Business Developer of CtrlPrint.

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Alisa Bank

Alisa Bank is a Finnish digital bank that helps both personal and business customers to manage their day-to-day finances in a straightforward manner. The story of Alisa Bank began when Fellow Finance, the leading crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending service in the Nordics, merged with the company continuing Evli Bank's banking operations in 2022. Alisa Bank’s shares are listed on the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki.

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