The Di Gasell Award, established by Dagens Industri, celebrates Swedish companies that invest and grow in a changing business environment. Less than 1% of Swedish companies annually qualify as Gasell companies, and we are proud to be one of them.
Winning this award and its powerful meaning are summarized by the following statement from Di Gasell: “CtrlPrint is one of Sweden's fastest-growing and most profitable companies. As a Gasell company, you are one of Sweden's heroes: you create jobs, drive growth and contribute to an entrepreneurial spirit in Sweden”.

To qualify as a "Gasel" in 2024, CtrlPrint has met the following requirements:
- A net turnover of over 10 million SEK, based on the most recent annual report
- A minimum of ten employees
- A turnover that has at least doubled from the first to the last financial year during the four-year evaluation period
- Annual turnover growth for the past three years
- A positive operating result for the last four fiscal years
- Primarily grown through internal growth rather than acquisitions or mergers
- A stable financial health
About CtrlPrint history and success
The idea behind CtrlPrint was hatched at an advertising agency in Stockholm in the late 1990s. Shortly after, it transitioned into the world of corporate reporting and began the foundation of our platform which is CtrlPrint as we know it today.
From the early days, since 2005, CtrlPrint has been present in Sweden, the Nordics, and the UK, opening a new office in Australia in 2023. We now have a global presence with clients in over 30 countries, and we are constantly expanding to other markets. Most recently, we partnered with the leading South African agency Ince (Pty) Ltd, investor marketing and stakeholder communications.
If you want to know more about CtrlPrint, or you´re interested in exploring a possible partnership, we would be glad to hear from you today!